XML Migration

Our team consists of technical writers & editors, many of whom are skilled engineers, programmers and scientists...
XML - DITA Training Services
Course Description
The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is an end-to-end, XML-based architecture for authoring, managing, and publishing your organization's technical content. DITA was designed to meet the evolving needs of organizations in the face of today's business requirements — for managing and publishing content for multiple products, multiple audiences, and multiple output formats... Larger organizations increasingly prefer DITA to proprietary document storage formats, as DITA offers significant efficiency and usability advantages. But DITA is not limited to large organizations; it makes good sense for projects of any size to be moved to the DITA architecture. This course provides an overview of DITA, its capabilities, and its possibilities for transforming your technical publishing processes
Intended Audience
This course is appropriate for technical writers and managers who are considering to implement XML-DITA based publishing. The course is also appropriate for members of organizations that wish to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their technical publishing departments
You Will Learn:
- The business benefits of adopting DITA.
- The principles of structured authoring and XML.
- How you can save time and money through content re-use, repurposing, and conditions.
- New strategies for creating and publishing content within your organization.
- The skills needed within your team.
- How to analyze a document's structure and topic types.
- How to plan and model a document.
- How to identify information types in legacy documents.
- The logic and importance of semantic mark-up.
- How to author DITA content.
No prior XML experience necessary. Previous exposure to word processing software is recommended. It is also helpful if users have some knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Course Syllabus
1. Unstructured Documentation
1.1. Fundamental Activities in documentation (Merging Documents, Maintenance, updations and Translation)
1.2. Drawbacks in terms of reusability, interoperability, and maintenance
2. What is structured documentation?
2.1. Comparative study of structured and unstructured documentation
2.2. Early History of Literacy Key Concepts of IBM Information Design" Discussion of Document Reuse
3. Introduction to XML
3.1. Introduction to XML
3.2. What is XML?
3.3. HTML Vs XML
3.4. XML elements and attributes
3.5. XML documentation
3.6. Hierarchy of XML elements
3.7. Introduction to XML Information Modeling
3.8. An overview of DTD
3.9. Expressing your document model as an XML document type definition (DTD)
3.10. Learning XML terminology and syntax
3.11. Introduction to XSLT for XML Publishing
3.12. Formatting output using CSS and XSLT
4. Introduction to DITA
4.1. What is DITA?
4.2. Principles and Architecture
4.3. Introduction to DITA Topics
4.4. Defining Concept
4.5. Defining Task
4.6. Defining Reference
4.7. DITA Maps and Domains
4.8. Specialization in DITA
4.9. Information Modeling for DITA
4.10. Minimalist Documentation Strategies
5. Migration of legacy content to DITA
5.1. Steps and procedure
5.2. Implementation
6. New DITA projects
6.1. Steps and procedure
6.2. Implementation
7. X-Metal
7.1. About XMetaL
7.2. Introduction to User Interface
7.3. Using Various Views
7.4. Working with documents
7.5. Template
7.6. Working With DTD and Schema
7.7. Doctype Declarations
7.8. Working with Elements and Attributes
7.9. Working with attributes
7.10. Working with Entities
7.11. Working with Lists and Images
7.12. Working with Tables
7.13. Working with DITA
7.14. Creating DITA Topic
7.15. DITA Maps
7.16. Map Edition
7.17. Conditional Text
8. Structured FrameMaker
8.1. Choosing a workflow
8.2. Understanding the interaction of DITA and FrameMaker
8.3. Opening DITA files
8.4. Saving DITA files
8.5. Authoring DITA topics
8.6. Managing elements ID
8.7. Creating cross-references
8.8. Creating content references
8.9. Graphics
8.10. Tables Indexing Conditional content
8.11. Organizing topics with DITA maps
8.12. Creating PDF files
8.13. Working with DITA open Toolkit
8.14. FrameMaker’s fm elements
8.15. Changing formatting of DITA content
8.16. Modifying DITA structure
8.17. DITA options
8.18. Additional resources
9. DITA proof-of-concept prototypes using customer content
10. DITA project designs implementation and reviews
11. Publishing system implementation
11.1. Structured input published to multiple output targets
12. Content management system integration
13. Localization and translation Download Brochure
Authoring Content with DITA using FrameMaker and XMetaL Author Enterprise
With our best practices methodologies, authors will get hands-on on-site training on effective creation of DITA content using XMetaL Author and FrameMaker. With advance input, we customize the training to include your corporate standards and guidelines, as well as include exercises that use your sample files.
Course Duration: 20 days
Modes: Both Online and Classroom
For more queries call to 09989696902/09989699562/040-32434393 or mail to shravan@techtotalsystems.com
Web: www.techtotalsystems.com
Blog: http://blog.techtotalportal.com
Get trained at a time that suits you:
10.00 – 12.00 AM
2.00 - 4.00 PM
4.00 - 6.00 PM
7.30 – 9.30 PM
For Queries and course syllabus Download ID Case Study
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